Right, this is the letter that we re going to present to the Australian military behind us to be delivered to the Australian uh military brass and it says we the Australian people formerly seek intervention of the Australian Defense Forces to protect us and save Australia from the countries federal and state governments. Many Australians now comprehend the level of corruption they have been living under and have a sense of vulnerability as our once magnificent nation is being deliberately weakened to potential attacks from foreign entities. There is no trust left in our governments to protect our people our interests in our country we request the following actions of the ADF 1. That the military now act to protect the people of Australia and our country from enemies foreign and domestic 2. With the military enter into a partnership with the Australian people to progress the attached law of necessary actions These attached actions include removing all politicians of all levels of government in Australia and establishing an executive committee until constitutional democratic elections can be held. Our forebears fought in many wars to assure future Generations would be able to live in a democratic, financially stable and culturally rich country we once again call on the Australian Defense Forces to act and save the people of Australia and our much-loved country. Yours Faithfully the people of Australia. The attachment says thank you for your service to our beloved country virtual inaugura, unite in white. When the government no longer follows the mandate of the people it is the responsibility of the people to make their voices be heard. The Australia that our brave parents and grandparents fought and died for would no longer be recognized by them. It is as if their spilled blood counts for nothing the Aussie way of life as we all knew it is disappearing before our eyes and we turn to the courageous men and women of our Defense Forces. This is the Clarion call for the ADF to help us get our country back. Peaceful civil non-compliance Why are we here? Our fundamental democratic rights are being destroyed by elected and unelected officials and Australians have had enough. the Parliamentary Judiciary and law enforcement systems are failing to protect and defend Australian citizens from the overreach of all levels of government decisions mean in our parliaments by sitting and former members have all but handed over our nation to International organizations such as the World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organization, Trilateral Commission to name a few. Why is this important I saw called leaders are no telling to international organizations heavily funded by private corporations whose key platforms include: controlling the masters and reducing the population of the planet by clever design by our elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats our manufacturing industry has over collapsed many of our farms, sold off to foreign interests our money supply artificially generated as the value of our dollar becomes more worthless as each day passes. The people of Australia never voted to go to war in Russia and the Ukraine, potentially risking the lives of our brave Defense Forces. Australia's no business fighting War within other people's countries. And the people want no part of it. When all else fails they take you to war. Why now? The emergence of covid-19 has brought much of the underhand of decision-making by our governments and corrupt politicians into the Limelight what was once hidden behind subterfuge is now in the open and is becoming more obvious every day. There's no question that Australia's national security is under urgent threat. The collaboration between pharmaceutical companies mainstream media large corporations and our government is a threat to the safety and well-being of the Australian people. Who are we? We are ordinary Australians. We're mums and dads, grandpas and grandmas, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors some of us came from far-flung corners of the globe to make this wonderful country our forever home. We do not represent political parties, activist groups or protest movements. We're standing on the shoulders of giants who came before us such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Missionaries who changed the course of history with peaceful and thoughtful disobedience. What we share is a fundamental concern for Australia's future such as that we feel compelled to do something about it. Many of us have never ever put our hands up for anything like this in their lives. We are peaceful law abiding Australians who do not want any trouble but at the same time fear that doing nothing will spell the end of our freedoms and lead to total destruction of our country necessary actions. We are requesting the help of the Australian Defense Forces to oversee the following measures: 1 Remove all politicians and replace with temporary administrative arrangements to ensure continuity of day-to-day business 2. Establish an executive committee until constitutional democratic elections can be held on the blockchain to ensure election integrity 3. Remove the governor general and all state governors. 4. establish a Military Tribunal to oversee trials for treason. 5. cooperate with International trials for crimes against humanity including but not limited to a any individual or organization who colluded with the governments to promote and carry out the covid-19 agenda and advocate it for mass vaccination of the Australian people B) Perpetrators of human trafficking, pedophilia, child sex trafficking its Satanic ritual abuse This what we're going to hand over up there to the people of the Australian Defense Forces and hopefully they will read it But maybe you might be with us. Stand and unite in white. Thank you